Название сервера | Карта | Игроков | IP-адрес | Действия | |||||
Рейтинг: 0
Сообщений: 1
Спасибок: 0
1. Your nickname ( RasputinRage )
2. Admin nickname ( Sunix )
3. Describe the situation ( I have been playing Counter-Strike 1.6 since 2010, and recently came back to one of my favorite servers. After spending several years playing CSGO/Counter-Strike 2 and improving my skills, I decided to play on this server again. I was playing with an AK-47, a player named EmirBey said I was using AIMBOT. I ignored him and kept playing. Soon after, an admin named Sunix watched my gameplay. Even though I was just simply shooting at zombies, Sunix permanentaly banned me after 10 minutes, saying I was using AIMBOT.
I was very surprised and found it funny. Just because someone is good at aiming doesn't mean they are cheating. Sunix decided to ban me after only 10 minutes of watching. I watched the demo myself and saw nothing special about my aim. Also, I was playing with a high ping of 200 because I am not from Russia.
I ask you to look at the demo again and think about removing the ban. I promise I was not using any cheats. Thank you for understanding. )
4. Attach the demo. It is automatically written to the cstrike folder under the name CSMOV_BioHazarD.dem ( https://drive.google.com/file/d/15F6WzLlVPkXnadpc6TJvTSlNlEV0TR9i/view?usp=drive_link)
5. If possible, attach information about the ban from the console. This will reduce the unban time. ( [FB]-------------------------------------[FB]
||| Вы были забанены
||| Ник: RasputinRage
||| Стим: STEAM_1:0:2051336235
||| Забанен админом: Sunix
||| Причина: AimBot
||| Бан выдан: 01.08.2024 - 16:48:10
||| Забанен на: Навсегда
||| Карта: zm_jackass_rmk3
||| Еще осталось: Никогда
||| Бан истекает: До скончания веков
* Права доступа предоставлены
Kicked :"Вы забанены. Подробная информация в в )
Technical Support
Рейтинг: 600
Сообщений: 330
Спасибок: 54
На sunixa часто жалобы
Admin Bio
Рейтинг: 48
Сообщений: 28
Спасибок: 4
кек писал:На sunixa часто жалобы
покажи мне их, это раз. Два, ты вообще кто?
Admin Bio
Рейтинг: 48
Сообщений: 28
Спасибок: 4
Arthur писал:1. Your nickname ( RasputinRage )
2. Admin nickname ( Sunix )
3. Describe the situation ( I have been playing Counter-Strike 1.6 since 2010, and recently came back to one of my favorite servers. After spending several years playing CSGO/Counter-Strike 2 and improving my skills, I decided to play on this server again. I was playing with an AK-47, a player named EmirBey said I was using AIMBOT. I ignored him and kept playing. Soon after, an admin named Sunix watched my gameplay. Even though I was just simply shooting at zombies, Sunix permanentaly banned me after 10 minutes, saying I was using AIMBOT.
I was very surprised and found it funny. Just because someone is good at aiming doesn't mean they are cheating. Sunix decided to ban me after only 10 minutes of watching. I watched the demo myself and saw nothing special about my aim. Also, I was playing with a high ping of 200 because I am not from Russia.
I ask you to look at the demo again and think about removing the ban. I promise I was not using any cheats. Thank you for understanding. )
4. Attach the demo. It is automatically written to the cstrike folder under the name CSMOV_BioHazarD.dem ( https://drive.google.com/file/d/15F6WzLlVPkXnadpc6TJvTSlNlEV0TR9i/view?usp=drive_link)
5. If possible, attach information about the ban from the console. This will reduce the unban time. ( [FB]-------------------------------------[FB]
||| Вы были забанены
||| Ник: RasputinRage
||| Стим: STEAM_1:0:2051336235
||| Забанен админом: Sunix
||| Причина: AimBot
||| Бан выдан: 01.08.2024 - 16:48:10
||| Забанен на: Навсегда
||| Карта: zm_jackass_rmk3
||| Еще осталось: Никогда
||| Бан истекает: До скончания веков
* Права доступа предоставлены
Kicked :"Вы забанены. Подробная информация в в )
Arthur писал:1. Your nickname ( RasputinRage )
2. Admin nickname ( Sunix )
3. Describe the situation ( I have been playing Counter-Strike 1.6 since 2010, and recently came back to one of my favorite servers. After spending several years playing CSGO/Counter-Strike 2 and improving my skills, I decided to play on this server again. I was playing with an AK-47, a player named EmirBey said I was using AIMBOT. I ignored him and kept playing. Soon after, an admin named Sunix watched my gameplay. Even though I was just simply shooting at zombies, Sunix permanentaly banned me after 10 minutes, saying I was using AIMBOT.
I was very surprised and found it funny. Just because someone is good at aiming doesn't mean they are cheating. Sunix decided to ban me after only 10 minutes of watching. I watched the demo myself and saw nothing special about my aim. Also, I was playing with a high ping of 200 because I am not from Russia.
I ask you to look at the demo again and think about removing the ban. I promise I was not using any cheats. Thank you for understanding. )
4. Attach the demo. It is automatically written to the cstrike folder under the name CSMOV_BioHazarD.dem ( https://drive.google.com/file/d/15F6WzLlVPkXnadpc6TJvTSlNlEV0TR9i/view?usp=drive_link)
5. If possible, attach information about the ban from the console. This will reduce the unban time. ( [FB]-------------------------------------[FB]
||| Вы были забанены
||| Ник: RasputinRage
||| Стим: STEAM_1:0:2051336235
||| Забанен админом: Sunix
||| Причина: AimBot
||| Бан выдан: 01.08.2024 - 16:48:10
||| Забанен на: Навсегда
||| Карта: zm_jackass_rmk3
||| Еще осталось: Никогда
||| Бан истекает: До скончания веков
* Права доступа предоставлены
Kicked :"Вы забанены. Подробная информация в в )
кинь демку, у тебя была стрельба с АК ровно в голову вся обойма, с 10-15 метров
Technical Support
Рейтинг: 600
Сообщений: 330
Спасибок: 54
Sunix писал:Разбанили
У меня аниме на Аве простите
Technical Support
Рейтинг: 600
Сообщений: 330
Спасибок: 54
вот они все тут на форуме жалобы на тебя. Перечитай за последние 2 года а то и больще, раз у тя память коротковата
Серый кардинал
Рейтинг: 1112
Сообщений: 527
Спасибок: 117
кек писал:тут были оскорбления и непонятная агрессия
Выдан мут за оскорбления и непонятную агрессию
Main Admin
Рейтинг: 6043
Сообщений: 2113
Спасибок: 786
Кому-то походу сегодня десантники бутылку об голову разбили
Рейтинг: 4
Сообщений: 4
Спасибок: 0
Остальные разбегаются. Кого осалит (дотронется ладонью) водящий, тот присоединяется к нему и ловит остальных вместе с ним. Изловив третьего, они ловят четвёртого, пятого и т. д., пока не переловят всех.
6K 2113 786Tom2233
3.3K 332 606PhOenix
1.9K 576 283lalalalisa
1.6K 327 273vesna
1.2K 135 225