Название сервера | Карта | Игроков | IP-адрес | Действия | |||||
Рейтинг: 51
Сообщений: 15
Спасибок: 7
1. Your name: Renars
2. Nickname on the server: Krevele
3. Age: 20
4. Place of residence (country, city): UK peterborough
5. Contact information (Steam, Skype, VK, etc.): Steam - Kreewz
6. Experience playing cs. Playing experience on our server: been playing biohazard since 2012 but on csmov server recently
7.1 Have you read the server rules (have you read the rules/not read them): have you read the rules? Yes
7.2 Have you broken the rules? Were there any conflicts with the server and resource administration: No
8.1. Are you ready to take part in clan tournaments: Yes
8.2. What mod could you use to take part in the tournament? (CSDM, BIOHAZARD, KNIFE, GUNGAME): Bio, csdm, gungame.
9. On which servers would you like to join the clan? (CSDM, Biohazard, KnifeDM, GunGame): zm bio
Main Admin
Рейтинг: 6043
Сообщений: 2113
Спасибок: 786
Kreewz писал:1. Your name: Renars
2. Nickname on the server: Krevele
3. Age: 20
4. Place of residence (country, city): UK peterborough
5. Contact information (Steam, Skype, VK, etc.): Steam - Kreewz
6. Experience playing cs. Playing experience on our server: been playing biohazard since 2012 but on csmov server recently
7.1 Have you read the server rules (have you read the rules/not read them): have you read the rules? Yes
7.2 Have you broken the rules? Were there any conflicts with the server and resource administration: No
8.1. Are you ready to take part in clan tournaments: Yes
8.2. What mod could you use to take part in the tournament? (CSDM, BIOHAZARD, KNIFE, GUNGAME): Bio, csdm, gungame.
9. On which servers would you like to join the clan? (CSDM, Biohazard, KnifeDM, GunGame): zm bio
In our clan it is customary to play actively with different weapons, as well as actively play for zombies. Are you ready to run around with machine guns and a shotgun at least on escapes?)
Main Admin
Рейтинг: 6043
Сообщений: 2113
Спасибок: 786
It is also not welcome to exit the server for zombies with a low count of hp or infected at the beginning of the round.
Рейтинг: 51
Сообщений: 15
Спасибок: 7
met. писал:Kreewz писал:1. Your name: Renars
2. Nickname on the server: Krevele
3. Age: 20
4. Place of residence (country, city): UK peterborough
5. Contact information (Steam, Skype, VK, etc.): Steam - Kreewz
6. Experience playing cs. Playing experience on our server: been playing biohazard since 2012 but on csmov server recently
7.1 Have you read the server rules (have you read the rules/not read them): have you read the rules? Yes
7.2 Have you broken the rules? Were there any conflicts with the server and resource administration: No
8.1. Are you ready to take part in clan tournaments: Yes
8.2. What mod could you use to take part in the tournament? (CSDM, BIOHAZARD, KNIFE, GUNGAME): Bio, csdm, gungame.
9. On which servers would you like to join the clan? (CSDM, Biohazard, KnifeDM, GunGame): zm bioIn our clan it is customary to play actively with different weapons, as well as actively play for zombies. Are you ready to run around with machine guns and a shotgun at least on escapes?)
i think i will better stay without a clan for while :D
Рейтинг: 10
Сообщений: 5
Спасибок: 1
1. Леонид
2. [Realistic*-*]
3. 28
4. Россия-Финляндия, Костомукша-Каяни
5. https://vk.com/real1st1c
6. С первого класса вместе. И на КСМов все что мы делаем, отвечаем тоже вместе!!!
7.1 Правила прочитаны, галочку согласия поставил
7.2 Нарушения бывали, конфликты стабильные
8.1. Готов ли я к клановым турнирам? В целом то да, но вы сами пожалетее)
8.2. По какому моду могли бы принять участие в турнире? Да все равно, на любом играть не уме.
9. На каких серверах хотели бы вступить в клан? На все возможных доступных в России и странах СНГ
Main Admin
Рейтинг: 6043
Сообщений: 2113
Спасибок: 786
Real1st1c писал:1. Лёня
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Рейтинг: 10
Сообщений: 5
Спасибок: 1
met. писал:Real1st1c писал:1. Лёня
Вы приняты!
Main Admin
Рейтинг: 6043
Сообщений: 2113
Спасибок: 786
Real1st1c писал:met. писал:Real1st1c писал:1. Лёня
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В секту
Рейтинг: 10
Сообщений: 5
Спасибок: 1
met. писал:Real1st1c писал:met. писал:Real1st1c писал:1. Лёня
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Рейтинг: 10
Сообщений: 5
Спасибок: 1
met. писал:Real1st1c писал:met. писал:Real1st1c писал:1. Лёня
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6K 2113 786Tom2233
3.3K 332 606PhOenix
1.9K 576 283lalalalisa
1.6K 327 273vesna
1.2K 135 225